Choisy eco-vision rug & carpet biodegradable detergent 3.8l 3496000004

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Choisy eco-vision rug & carpet biodegradable detergent 3.8l 3496000004


3 in 1 Formula: Activator, Cleaner, Deodorant (with Captodor’ technology). ECO-VISION is a detergent used for deep and thorough cleaning of both synthetic and natural fibre carpets and rugs. The product is used with a carpet extractor, this cleaning technique is appropriate when dealing with heavily soiled surfaces. ECO-VISION may also be used to pre-clean stains in heavy circulation areas. Additionally, ECO-VISION leaves a refreshing fragrance in the space. With ECO-VISION, carpets remain clean longer, creating a hygienic environment and extending the lifespan of the carpets.